How We Help:
Apartment Angel provides interest-free, goodwill loans to apartment residents who qualify for assistance.
Residents who qualify will sign a personal promise to pay the loan back in monthly increments over a period of 6 – 12 months.
The money that is repaid is then used to help others who are in need.
How it Works:
Getting started is easy and the application process takes just a few minutes:
1. Community Manager registers property and agrees to the Apartment Angel terms and conditions.
2. Resident downloads and completes the application for aid and sign the resident release form (the link is just to your right).
3. Community Manager completest signed resident release form and faxes/e-mails both the resident release and application for aid to Apartment Angel.
4. Apartment Angel notifies both the Community Manager and resident of acceptance or denial with 24 to 48 hours (excludes Sunday and major holidays).
5. If approved, resident completes the promise to pay agreement and completed credit/debit payment form for the $50 application fee to Apartment Angel.
6. Once the completed promise to pay form and fee are received, we send a check for that month’s rent directly to the applicant’s property on behalf of the resident.
Minimum Requirements for Aid:
1. A specific reason why the rental payment can not be made at this time.
2. Demonstrated record of timely payments in the past.
3. 6 (six) months of residency at current property.
4. Ability to repay Apartment Angel, interest free, over a period of 6 to 12 months so that we can help other good renters who are in need of a lift.